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50bp DNA Ladder Marker   
1609-50bp DNA Ladder Marker
包 装 量:                                                         
160901 250μl(50次)
160902 500μl(50次×2)
160903 1000μl(50次×4)

储运温度:4℃ 贮存六个月(-20℃贮存一年)。

产品简介:本产品是由8条带状双链DNA条带组成,适用于琼脂糖凝胶电泳中DNA条带的分析。本产品为即用型产品,已含有1×loading buffer,可根据实验需要,直接取2-5μl电泳,使用方便,电泳图像清晰。本产品中8条带分为50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400bp,其中250bp条带约为100ng/5μl,其余条带浓度大约50ng/5μl。

  The 50bp DNA Ladder contains 8 discrete DNA fragments ranging in size from 50bp to 500bp (50,100, 150, 200, 250, 300,400,500bp). This marker is suitable for sizing linear double-stranded DNA fragments. All bands (except 250bp) are supplied at approximately 40-50 ng/5μl. The 250bp are 100ng/5μl as a reference band. This ladder is pre-mixed with loading dye and is ready to use.